Course sponsors can request approval for credit by completing the Non-Accredited EMS Continuing Education Program application and following the submission instructions included. >> APPLICATION DOWNLOAD
A timed outline must be submitted with the application. A recommended outline format is included with the application. Be sure your timed outline includes clearly identified objectives, subject matter, and instructor qualifications. >> RECOMMENDED OUTLINE FORMAT
Send the application and outline at least 3 weeks prior to the program start date by either:
• Email –
• Online –
The Program Sponsor will be notified by email of the status of the application within two weeks after receipt. No program may be advertised or occur prior to receiving approval. An application will be denied if received after the start date of the program.
Once a program has been approved if there is a need to change the course date, time, and/ or location, email OEMS,, and the Regional Office, at least 24 hours in advance. Notify OEMS and the Regional Office as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation.
Course sponsors who receive blanket approvals for continuing education courses must notify the Regional Office, either by online submission, email, or phone, of each training session (date, time, and location) held under that approval number at least 2 weeks in advance.
Signed registration forms >> APPLICATION DOWNLOAD must be received at least 3 weeks before the class date. ATIs are not required to submit a course outline. Email the registration form to
The ATI will be notified by email within two weeks after receipt of the registration form. No program may be advertised or occur prior to receiving a registration number. A registration number will not be issued if received after the start date of the program.
Once a registration number has been issued if there is a need to change the course date, time, and/ or location, email OEMS, and the Regional Office, at least 24 hours in advance. Notify OEMS and the Regional Office as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation.
The ATI must notify the Regional Office, either by online submission, email, or phone, of each training session (date, time, and location) held under a Blanket registration at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the session.
If an accredited training institution wishes to offer a continuing education program that is beyond the level to which the institution is accredited then the process listed under Non- Accredited Course Sponsors applies.
NorthEast Emergency
Medical Services, Inc.
110 Haverhill Rd.
Building C Suite 241
Amesbury, MA 01913
Office: 978-792-5477
NorthEast CMED
Lawrence General Hospital
1 General Street
Lawrence, MA 01842
CMED: 978-946-8130
Fax: 978-946-8139
© Northeast EMS 2021. All rights reserved. Website Design by Dingo Creative