Any person who is certified as a Massachusetts EMT (at any level), does not hold National Registry certification and is not currently associated with an ambulance service, EFR service or first responder agency is considered unaffiliated.
Unaffiliated EMTs must affiliate with an EMS Regional Council in order to complete the recertification process. The Regional Council will validate your continuing education and act as your Training Officer to facilitate your recertification.
To affiliate with EMS Region III, you must meet the above criteria and live in one of these cities/towns.
To request affiliation log into your training profile at Choose or change your affiliation to “Unaffiliated Region III” in the dropdown menu. Your affiliation request will be automatically sent to us for approval. If your affiliation is denied please email
Training Profile
Enter all required continuing education hours to your Training Profile and upload all course completion documentation.
Documentation of completion requires at least one of the following for each course:
• Copies of Course Completion Certificates
• Copies of OEMS Course Rosters
• Copies of Special Continuing Education Record
Also, make sure your completion documentation includes the following:
• Your full name
• Instructor’s full name and signature
• The title of the continuing education program
• The date of the program
• The OEMS or CAPCE approval number with the corresponding number of credit hours.
Remember to click the “SUBMIT” button on your Training Profile. Your Training Profile and associated documentation will be reviewed for accuracy. We will contact you if additional information is required and your submission will be denied. If denied we will work with you to rectify any issues and you may submit your Training Profile again for further review.
State Application
Once your continuing education submission is approved, if you haven’t already be sure to complete the recertification process by completing Step B.
1. Log into state’s eLicensing website at:
Find your eLicensing account using your username or SSN and birthdate.
2. Review, attest & pay state recertification fee.
Review your information for accuracy, answer questions, and submit the recertification fee ($125) electronically.
3. Submit your state application.
Once all the steps are complete, your application will be processed.
Cards are printed and mailed weekly, and you should receive within 14 days of recertification.*
*Please note that you are not recertified until eLicensing displays your 2023 expiration date. An expiration date of March 31, 2023 on does not mean you have completed your recertification. Check the license verification website to ensure your recertification has been completed.
If you have any questions please call 978-792-5477 or email
NorthEast Emergency
Medical Services, Inc.
110 Haverhill Rd.
Building C Suite 241
Amesbury, MA 01913
Office: 978-792-5477
NorthEast CMED
Lawrence General Hospital
1 General Street
Lawrence, MA 01842
CMED: 978-946-8130
Fax: 978-946-8139
There will be up to a 6 month implementation process. Agencies can begin providing K-9 care as soon as staff is trained and any required equipment is stocked. Agencies can apply for a waiver, more© Northeast EMS 2021. All rights reserved. Website Design by Dingo Creative